

サイマティクスは、生物の物体に音波を適用して内部の振動の調和を作り出し、それをそれ自身の固有の共振周波数と一致させることです。 さらに、サイマティクスは、人間の被験者に適用されると、通常深い瞑想を通して達成される神経振動に脳を騙すことで瞑想状態を誘発できます。


もっと読む X

サイマティクスは比較的新しく、まだよく理解されていない科学的調査の分野です。 私達はそれを調査することによって健康の増進と農業収量改善にこの技術を使用できることを願っています。




  • Acoustic Enhancement of Sleep Slow Oscillations and Concomitant Memory Improvement in Older Adults, ノースウェスタン大学 (2017年3月)

    Gentle sound stimulation — such as the rush of a waterfall — synchronized to the rhythm of brain waves significantly enhanced deep sleep in older adults and improved their ability to recall words.

  • Enhancement of sleep slow waves: underlying mechanisms and practical consequences, ウィスコンシン大学マディソン校 (2014年10月)

    Even modest sleep restriction, especially the loss of sleep slow wave activity (SWA), is invariably associated with slower electroencephalogram (EEG) activity during wake, the occurrence of local sleep in an otherwise awake brain, and impaired performance due to cognitive and memory deficits.

    Acoustic stimulation is safe and represents an ideal tool for slow wave sleep (SWS) enhancement.

  • Transcranial electrical stimulation accelerates human sleep homeostasis, ドイツのテュービンゲン大学 (2013年5月)

    Here we show in sleeping humans that auditory stimulation in phase with the ongoing rhythmic occurrence of slow oscillation up states profoundly enhances the slow oscillation rhythm, phase-coupled spindle activity, and, consequently, the consolidation of declarative memory.

    Closed-loop in-phase stimulation provides a straight-forward tool to enhance sleep rhythms and their functional efficacy.

  • Transcranial electrical stimulation accelerates human sleep homeostasis, ニューヨーク市立大学シティカレッジ (2013年2月)

    The sleeping brain exhibits characteristic slow-wave activity which decays over the course of the night... We show that 25 minutes of transcranial electrical stimulation, as predicted, reduced the decay of slow-wave oscillations in the remainder of the night.

  • Triggering sleep slow waves by transcranial magnetic stimulation, ウィスコンシン大学 (2007年5月)

    Here we show that, in sleeping subjects, slow waves and spindles can be triggered noninvasively and reliably by transcranial magnetic stimulation.

    Moreover, evoked slow waves lead to a deepening of sleep and to an increase in EEG slow-wave activity (0.5-4.5 Hz), which is thought to play a role in brain restoration and memory consolidation.

  • Boosting slow oscillations during sleep potentiates memory, リューベック大学 (2006年11月)

    Here we show that inducing slow oscillation-like potential fields by transcranial application of oscillating potentials (0.75 Hz) during early nocturnal non-rapid-eye-movement sleep, that is, a period of emerging slow wave sleep, enhances the retention of hippocampus-dependent declarative memories in healthy humans.

Recent scientific studies are confirming the assertion that cymatic frequencies can improve sleep, and potentially induce a healing and meditative state during sleep. Kakuichi Institute is experimenting in this field with the use of cymatic sound loops played through connected speakers which are positioned underneath the bed during sleep.

In combination with earthing (see our research on earthing via the link at the top of the page), the potential to radically transform sleep into a much more potent means of healing the body lies ahead of us.


  • Determinants of Faraday Wave-Patterns in Water Samples Oscillated Vertically at a Range of Frequencies from 50-200 Hz, ルパート・シェルドレイク (2017年9月)

    Results: In initial tests we explored a wide range of frequencies, and selected three that gave repeatable patterns in order to investigate those factors affecting pattern formation in more detail. At 56 Hz, the pattern showed six-fold symmetry; at 111 Hz, the pattern showed ten-fold symmetry; and at 180 Hz the pattern showed fourteen-fold symmetry. The overall patterns were composites of two alternating phases of oscillation, whereby peaks became troughs, and troughs peaks. We could see these alternating peaks and troughs only by using fast shutter speeds; at the normal shutter speed of 1/30 second, the pictures were a composite of the peak and trough patterns.

    Discussion: We confirm that the morphologies of Faraday wave patterns in water are dependent on both intrinsic and extrinsic controls, most notably: i) the frequency of the forced oscillation (extrinsic), and ii) on the diameter of the fluid reservoir (intrinsic). On the whole, none of the other variables examined, whether intrinsic (fluid volume/depth, and temperature) or extrinsic (amplitude, and wave form) caused changes in pattern morphology.


左から右へ、気泡の発生→ゆっくりと膨張→突然の急激な収縮→ソノルミネッセンスの発光 (CC BY-SA 3.0, Dake)



Sonoluminescence is as yet still a poorly understood phenomenon, but it has enormous implications for potential limitless energy. [source]

The collapsing bubbles reach temperatures of at least 14,000°C, more than twice as hot as the surface of the sun. The energy released in each burst is low, but the potential to harness this process to produce large amounts of power appears possible. [source]


  • 核融合反応を促進する液体 Li 超音波キャビテーション, 東北大学電子光理学研究センター (2012年5月)

    今回の結果は、液体金属 Li 中での超音波キャビテーションにより 100万度 K を超える高温プラズマ生成の直接的証拠を示したもので、卓上サイズ小型実験装置によるプラズマ核融合研究の可能性を開くものです。

  • Additional evidence of nuclear emissions during acoustic cavitation, パデュー大学 (2004年3月)

    Statistically significant neutron and gamma ray emissions were measured with a calibrated liquid-scintillation detector, and sonoluminescence emissions were measured with a photomultiplier tube... In contrast, control experiments using normal acetone did not result in statistically significant tritium activity, or neutron or gamma ray emissions.

    PDF here.

  • Evidence for Nuclear Emissions During Acoustic Cavitation, オークリッジ国立研究所 (2002年3月)

    In cavitation experiments with deuterated acetone, tritium decay activity above background levels was detected. In addition, evidence for neutron emission near 2.5 million electron volts was also observed, as would be expected for deuterium-deuterium fusion.

  • Sonoluminescence: How Bubbles Turn Sound into Light, カリフォルニア大学 (2000年1月)

    Suppose a scientist had predicted that the Rayleigh collapse of a bubble would launch an imploding shock wave into its interior such that the bubble contents would compress to the van der Waals hard core and ionize according to Saha’s equation and then emit picosecond bursts of UV thermal Bremsstrahlung from a region of a size comparable to the wavelength of light... Probably his sanity would be questioned.

    Starting from small-amplitude, long-wavelength initial conditions, an NS fluid sets up a motion that focuses energy density to a degree at which the "measurements have outstripped the hydrodynamics" and the "territory is (still) unknown".

  • Observation of synchronous picosecond sonoluminescence, カリフォルニア大学 (1999年7月)

    These bursts represent an amplification of energy by eleven orders of magnitude.

Other Resources

  • The Bridge Between Sound and Light, ThunderboltsProject, (2018年4月)

    A summary of sonoluminescence and it's potential applications for energy generation.

  • An Experiment To Save The World, BBCホライゾン, (2005年2月)

    In March 2002, the scientific world was rocked by some astonishing news: a distinguished US government scientist claimed he had made nuclear fusion out of sound waves in his laboratory.

  • Sonoluminescence: Sound Into Light, カリフォルニア大学ロサンゼルス校

    The energy of a sound wave in a fluid can concentrate by 12 orders of magnitude to create flashes of light that can be shorter than 50 picoseconds. A picosecond is a millionth of a millionth of a second. The flashes originate from hot spots that form inside bubbles that nucleate, expand, and crash in response to the travelling sound wave. We have observed hot spots as small as 10 nanometers and as large as 100 microns. We can generate them one shake at a time or at a rep rate of 10 million times per second. Will the degree of energy focusing that can be achieved with the physics of sonoluminescence someday reach to thermo-nuclear fusion?

The small selection of studies listed below demonstrate the incredible possibilities of increasing agricultural yield by applying sound vibrations to plants, with grand implications for modern agriculture and the environment. With this in mind, we are currently investigating the effects of cymatic frequencies applied to water before it is given to plants to observe effects on yield and plant health. Early results have been exciting.


  • Effect of Music on Plants – An Overview, GD ゲンカ大学 (2016年1月)

    In this paper, the influence of acoustic frequencies including those of music on the growth pattern of plants as observed by many researchers have been reported. Besides, the authors have carried out a pilot study to observe the response of Tagetes sp. (marigold) to Light Indian Music and Meditation Music as well as to noise. They have also monitored the germination of Cicer arietinum (chickpea) on exposure to Light Indian Music. It could be commented that music promoted the growth and development of the plants, including germination whereas noise hindered it. Possibly, specific audible frequencies and also musical frequencies facilitate better physiological processes like absorption of nutrients, photosynthesis, protein synthesis, etc. for the plant and this is observable in terms of increased height, higher number of leaves and overall more developed and healthier plants.

  • Effects of Radio Frequency Water Treatment on Revival of Wilted Flowers, ATASA (2015年2月)

    An experiment to detect an effect of radio frequency (RF) radiation (27.5 MHz) on properties of water through its effects on the revival of wilted catsear dandelions was performed.

    The positive results indicate that the RF treatment significantly affects water transport within the plant. It is inferred that it enhances osmosis into cells and capillary transport through the plant’s vascular system. The effects began to show after about 20 minutes, and efficacy of the water treatment lasted for a period of at least several hours.

  • The Effect Of Music On Physico-chemical Parameters Of Selected Plants, インドのグジャラート大学 (2015年1月)

    Two sets of selected plants were prepared, one of them was subjected to rhythmic soft-melodious music, and a control set of plants was not exposed to any particular music. Music was played for fixed period for a month. After the treatment various growth and physiological parameters of treated plants were studied against the control plants. From the results, it was observed that plant growth in treated plants was better than control plants with treated plants especially showing increased level of various metabolites.

  • Effect of Different Types of Music on Rosa Chinensis Plants, インドのオスマニア大学 (2014年10月)

    The present experiment is aimed to study the effect of music on 30 Rose (Rosa chinensis) plants taken in separate pots. The plants were divided into five groups and each group was subjected to one of the following types of music, Indian Classical music, Vedic chants, Western Classical music, and Rock music while one group was kept in silence as the control group.

    Significant differences have been noted. It was seen that the plants exposed to Vedic chants showed the maximum elongation of shoot, maximum number of flowers and highest diameter of flowers.

    PDF here

  • Effect of Various Rhythms on In Vitro Seed Germination of Several Orchid Species, マレーシアのマラ工科大学 (2014年9月)

    It was found that music exposure had a positive effect on the seeds’ germination as compared to the untreated control group... The findings showed that different species of orchids need a different type of music to influence the rate of its germination and growth.

  • Sonication and ultrasound: impact on plant growth and development, ハンガリーの国立デブレツェン大学医学部 (2014年5月)

    Plant biotechnology, and plant tissue culture in particular, could benefit from new means to stimulate plant growth and development. Although the number of studies is still limited, there is evidence that sonication using low frequencies of sound (as little as a few dozen Hz) to as high as ultrasound (several dozen kHz) may increase organogenesis.

    Based on experimental evidence accumulated to date, it is clear that sound and sonication can strongly influence growth and morphogenesis in plants.

  • Update on the Effects of Sound Wave on Plants, 韓国の嶺南大学 (2014年3月)

    Sound waves with specific frequencies and intensities can have positive effects on various plant biological indices including seed germination, root elongation, plant height, callus growth, cell cycling, signaling transduction systems, enzymatic and hormonal activities, and gene expression.

  • Advances in Effects of Sound Waves on Plants, 中国農業大学 (2014年2月)

    Abstract: Sound waves technology has been applied to different plants. It has been found that sound waves were at different frequencies, sound pressure levels (SPLs), exposure periods, and distances from the source of sound influence plant growth. Experiments have been conducted in the open field and under greenhouse growing conditions with different levels of audible sound frequencies and sound pressure levels. Sound waves at 1 kHz and 100 dB for 1 h within a distance of 0.20 m could significantly promote the division and cell wall fluidity of callus cells and also significantly enhance the activity of protective enzymes and endogenous hormones. Sound waves stimulation could increase the plant plasma-membrane H+-ATPase activity, the contents of soluble sugar, soluble protein, and amylase activity of callus. Moreover, sound waves could increase the content of RNA and the level of transcription. Stress-induced genes could switch on under sound stimulation. Sound waves at 0.1–1 kHz and SPL of (70±5) dB for 3 h from plant acoustic frequency technology (PAFT) generator within a distance ranged from 30 to 60 m every other day significantly increased the yield of sweet pepper, cucumber and tomato by 30.05, 37.1 and 13.2%, respectively. Furthermore, the yield of lettuce, spinach, cotton, rice, and wheat were increased by 19.6, 22.7, 11.4, 5.7, and 17.0%, respectively. Sound waves may also strengthen plant immune systems. It has been proved that spider mite, aphids, gray mold, late blight and virus disease of tomatoes in the greenhouses decreased by 6.0, 8.0, 9.0, 11.0, and 8.0%, respectively, and the sheath blight of rice was reduced by 50%.

  • Effects of music acoustic frequency on indoleacetic acid in plants, 中国の浙江公尚大学 (2011年12月)

    Objective: The aim was to study the effects of music acoustic frequency on the contents of indoleacetic acid (IAA) in 6 species of vegetables. Result: The music acoustic frequency had significantly increased the contents of indoleacetic acid in 6 species of vegetables, which were significantly higher than that in the control. Conclusion: The music acoustic frequency could stimulate the IAA secretion in plants.

  • The Effects of Different Musical Elements on Root Growth and Mitosis in Onion (Allium cepa) Root Apical Meristem (Musical and Biological Experimental Study), トルコのトラキア大、 (2007年2月)

    In this study effects of strong, complex, rhythmic accent classical music with sekunda and kvarta intervals... were investigated in onion (Allium cepa) root tip cells during germination. Both kinds of music have positive effects on root growth and mitotic divisions in onion root tip cells but rhythmic dynamically changing lyrics affected much better.

    In conclusion, plants grow faster in exposure to positive music. The knowledge can be applied in agriculture to increase the yield.

  • Measuring effects of music, noise, and healing energy using a seed germination bioassay, アリゾナ大学 (2004年2月)

    Methods: A series of five experiments were performed utilizing okra and zucchini seeds germinated in acoustically shielded, thermally insulated, dark, humid growth chambers. Conditions compared were an untreated control, musical sound, pink noise, and healing energy. Healing energy was administered for 15-20 minutes every 12 hours with the intention that the treated seeds would germinate faster than the untreated seeds.

    Results: Musical sound had a highly statistically significant effect on the number of seeds sprouted compared to the untreated control over all five experiments for the main condition (p < 0.002) and over time (p < 0.000002). This effect was independent of temperature, seed type, position in room, specific petri dish, and person doing the scoring. Musical sound had a significant effect compared to noise and an untreated control as a function of time (p < 0.03) while there was no significant difference between seeds exposed to noise and an untreated control. Healing energy also had a significant effect compared to an untreated control (main condition, p < 0.0006) and over time (p < 0.0001) with a magnitude of effect comparable to that of musical sound.

    Conclusion: This study suggests that sound vibrations (music and noise) as well as biofields (bioelectromagnetic and healing intention) both directly affect living biologic systems, and that a seed germination bioassay has the sensitivity to enable detection of effects caused by various applied energetic conditions.

  • Effect of sound wave on the metabolism of chrysanthemum roots, 中国重慶大学 (2003年6月)

    In this paper, the effect of sound stimulation on the metabolism of chrysanthemum roots was studied and it was found that the growth of roots was not inhibited but accelerated under suitable sound stimulation. And the content of soluble sugar and protein and the activity of amylase all increased significantly, which indicated that sound stimulation could enhance the metabolism of roots and the growth of chrysanthemum.

  • Production of sound waves by bacterial cells and the response of bacterial cells to sound, 九州大学 (1998年1月)

    The similarity between the frequency of the sound produced by B. subtilis and the frequencies that induced a response in B. carboniphilus and the previously observed growth-promoting effect of B. subtilis cells upon B. carboniphilus through iron barriers, suggest that the detected sound waves function as a growth-regulatory signal between cells.


  • Effect of Music on Plants – An Overview, GD ゲンカ大学 (2016年1月)

    Noise which is a non-rhythmic and unharmonious superposition of various audio frequencies was observed to have a negative effect on the growth of plants.

  • Recent advances in research on non-auditory effects of community noise, ベオグラード大学 (2016年1月)

    In addition to the well-known non-auditory effects of community noise, recent advances in research have pointed out a possible relationship between traffic noise and breast cancer, stroke, type 2 diabetes, and obesity.

  • Adverse Influence of Radio Frequency Background on Trembling Aspen Seedlings, 国際林業研究ジャーナル (2009年6月)

    This study suggests that the RF background may have strong adverse effects on growth rate and fall anthocyanin production in aspen, and may be an underlying factor in aspen decline.

  • Microwave Irradiation Affects Gene Expression in Plants, ブレーズ・パスカル大学 (2006年3月)

    Exposure of the plant to EMF induced a rapid (maximum after 5–15 min) and strong (3.5-fold) accumulation of the stress-related LebZIP1 mRNA in the 4th terminal leaf. These results are quite surprising and strongly question the mechanism of interaction between the plant and the EMF. The energy associated with the EMF radiation is extremely low and insufficient to evoke plant defence mechanisms involving the genesis of free radicals or molecule ionization.

    The major points arising from this study are that high frequency low amplitude EMF cause enhanced expression of at least one plant-wound gene.

  • Disturbing effects of low frequency sound immissions and vibrations in residential buildings, ドイツのブランデンブルク州環境庁 (2004年)

    Noise immissions with predominant low frequency sound components may exert considerably disturbing effects in dwellings. This applies in particular to sounds which are excitated by transmission of structure-borne noise, and to low frequency sounds emitted by ventilators.

    The exposed persons stated that the vibrations near to the walls left an uneasy feeling in their stomachs which very quickly increased to the point of feeling sick. The measuring staff experienced similar symptoms. The highly exceeding level values near the to walls were in all probability promoted by the fact that the distance between the window and the opposite wall was 5 m which was equal to exactly half the wave length of the airborne sound, or resonance. The severe effects of these low frequency stationary airborne sound waves could, according to the statements of the measuring team, not be explained by auditory sensations alone.

    More than half of the complaints were made on the grounds of sleep disturbance. Quite often symptoms like "a roaring in the head, especially when lying down" were brought forward. Time and again, "a feeling of riding a lift" was reported, and over and again the measuring team had the impression that the reported immissions meant a nerve­racking experience for the exposed persons.

Studies on brain wave harmony

  • Brain-to-brain coupling during handholding is associated with pain reduction, ジョンズ・ホプキンズ大学 (2018年2月)

    Our findings indicate that hand-holding during pain administration increases brain-to-brain coupling in a network that mainly involves the central regions of the pain target and the right hemisphere of the pain observer. Moreover, brain-to-brain coupling in this network was found to correlate with analgesia magnitude and observer’s empathic accuracy. These findings indicate that brain-to-brain coupling may be involved in touch-related analgesia.

  • Brain-to-Brain Synchrony Tracks Real-World Dynamic Group Interactions in the Classroom, ニューヨーク大学 (2017年4月)

    We repeatedly recorded brain activity from a group of 12 students simultaneously as they engaged in natural classroom activities and social interactions. Over the course of 11 different school days distributed over one semester, we found that brain-to-brain synchrony between students consistently predicted class engagement and social dynamics.



カクイチ研究所は現在、睡眠中にサイマティク周波数を再生するスピーカーを組み込んだ新しいユニークなベッドデザインを通して、ヒトへの適用における細胞療法を実験しています。 この治療法の結果についての我々の研究は進行中であり、そして我々はまもなくこの研究を発表することを計画しています。


また、植物に供給される水にサイマティク周波数を適用することによって、農業収量に対するシマチック効果を実験しています。 この研究は現在進行中です。 私達は近い将来サイマティクと農業の研究を発表するつもりです。

