





もっと読む X

私たちが住んでいる社会は地球から深く切り離されています。そして、多くの人々が深刻な病気になっていることは決して偶然ではないようです。 私たちは、山ほどの実証的な研究データ(下記参照)に基づいて、人々が定期的に地球とつながっていれば、人々はより健康的な生活を送ることができると信じています。


私たちはアーシングジャパンを創設し、アーシングのメッセージを日本に広め、それがいかに健康に有益で睡眠を改善できるかについて人々に伝えています。 またアーシングジャパンは、日本国内で販売するための様々なアーシング製品を販売しています。 アーシングジャパンのコミュニティハブおよびオンラインストア(http://earthing.jp)をご覧ください。また、アーシングおよびアーシング活動の詳細については、アーシングのページをご覧ください。


  • Effects of Grounding (Earthing) on Massage Therapists: An Exploratory Study, カリフォルニア大学アーバイン校 (2018年2月)

    A doubled-blind randomized controlled trial was designed to examine the effects of working and sleeping grounded for 4 weeks on massage therapists’ blood viscosity, stress, inflammation and oxidative stress (MPO and MDA) biomarkers. The results show stress reduction as measured by heart rate, respiratory rate and heart rate variability (HRV) and a lowering effect on blood viscosity that lasted for at least one week after ungrounding, with systolic blood viscosity becoming significantly lower at the end of the study. Inflammation markers increased rapidly, within one week, after ungrounding. The findings suggest that grounding is beneficial for massage therapists in multiple domains relevant to health and wellbeing.

  • Grounding after moderate eccentric contractions reduces muscle damage, オレゴン大学 (2015年5月)

    Grounding significantly reduced the loss of creatine kinase from the injured muscles indicating reduced muscle damage.

  • The Effect Of Grounding The Human Body On Mood, カリフォルニア大学アーバイン校 (2015年4月)

    Pleasant and positive moods statistically significantly improved among grounded — but not sham-grounded — participants.
    Results: The Grounded group showed a significant increase in the Pleasant– Unpleasant mood scale, indicating a more pleasant experience; a significant increase in the Positive–Tired mood scale, meaning feeling less tired and more positive; and a significant decrease in the Negative–Relaxed mood scale, becoming less negative and more relaxed. For the Shamgrounded group, the change in scores on the Pleasant–Unpleasant scale was significant, while for the other three tests there were no significant changes. Neither group had a significant change in the Arousal–Calm mood scale. Combining the results of these mood scales, it is apparent that the Grounded group had a more pleasant experience, felt more positive, less negative, and more relaxed than the control group.

  • Emotional Stress, Heart Rate Variability, Grounding, and Improved Autonomic Tone: Clinical Applications, カリフォルニア大学アーバイン校 (2015年4月)

    When one grounds to the electron-enriched earth, an improved balance of the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system occurs. Previous investigations reported a marked change in biological parameters after about 20 to 30 minutes, others in several days, and a few others show a drastic change immediately at grounding (<2 sec). Skin conductance and electroencephalographic and electromyographic recordings showed the most immediate and profound changes.6,8 This study showed a positive trend in Heart Rate Variability that kept improving all the way to the end of the 40-minute period of grounding, suggesting a greater benefit with time.

  • The neuromodulative role of earthing, ポーランド軍事病院 (2011年8月)

    Earthing significantly influences on the electrical activity of the brain. We hypothesize that earthing through its complex action on bioelectrical environment of human organism and alternations in electrolyte concentrations regulates correct functioning of the nervous system.

  • Changes in Pulse Rate, Respiratory Rate, Blood Oxygenation, Perfusion Index, Skin Conductance, and Their Variability Induced During and After Grounding Human Subjects for 40 Minutes, カリフォルニア大学アーバイン校 (2010年1月)

    These skin conductance changes suggest that grounding increases parasympathetic system function and/or reduces sympathetic system function. In that regard, the present results support previous studies reporting reduction in stress and improved sleep and relaxation.

  • The effect of Earthing (grounding) on human physiology, カリフォルニア大学アーバイン校 (2005年11月)

    Earthing decreased blood volume pulse (BVP) in 19 of 22 experimental subjects (p < 0.001) and in 8 of 30 controls (p ≅ 0.1, not significant); heart rate (HR) was not affected. From these results, it appears that earthing the human body has significant effects on electrophysiological properties of the brain and musculature, on the blood volume pulse, and on the noise and stability of electrophysiological recordings. Taken together, the changes in EEG, EMG, and BVP suggest reductions in overall stress levels and tensions, and a shift in autonomic balance upon earthing.

  • Earthing: Health Implications of Reconnecting the Human Body to the Earth's Surface Electrons, カリフォルニア大学アーバイン校 (2012年1月)

    Most grounded subjects described symptomatic improvement while most in the control group did not. Some subjects reported significant relief from asthmatic and respiratory conditions, rheumatoid arthritis, PMS, sleep apnea, and hypertension while sleeping grounded. These results indicated that the effects of earthing go beyond reduction of pain and improvements in sleep.

  • The Biologic Effects of Grounding the Human Body During Sleep as Measured by Cortisol Levels and Subjective Reporting of Sleep, Pain, and Stress (2004年10月)

    Results: Subjectively reported improvements in sleep were significant. It is possible that these improvements (11 of 12 subjects reported that they fell asleep more quickly and all 12 reported waking fewer times at night) are the result of a reduction in stress as a result of being grounded to earth; stress reduction being indicated by the restoration of more normal circadian cortisol profiles. Grounding the body to earth at night during sleep also appears to affect morning fatigue levels, daytime energy, and night-time pain levels.
    Conclusions: Results indicate that grounding the human body to earth ("earthing") during sleep reduces night-time levels of cortisol and resynchronizes hormone cortisol secretion more in alignment with the natural 24-hour circadian rhythm profile. Changes were most apparent in females.

Studies on negative ions and free radicals

While the active mechanism behind the health enhancing effects of earthing is as yet still uncertain, it has been suggested that it may be due to the uptake of negative ions from the earth, which bind to free radicals within the body, thereby reducing inflammation.



92% 寝つき
100% 熟睡



  • 82% 筋肉痛の軽減 (1)
  • 74% 腰痛、関節痛の軽減 (1)
  • 78% 健康改善 (1)
  • 75% ストレス軽減 (2)



100% 目覚めた時の充足感
93% 睡眠の質の改善




9.8%の平均快適な気分の増加(快適 - 不快スケール
アーシング グループ 50.05 54.95 9.8
対照のグループ 54.30 57.90 6.6
アーシング グループ 20.53 22.79 11.0
対照のグループ 22.20 23.70 6.8
アーシング グループ 10.53 8.37 −20.5
対照のグループ 8.50 7.20 −15.3




