
最近の研究では、睡眠の重要性、そして睡眠時間の長さや質の欠如が、個人や社会全体の健康や幸福にとってどれほど有害であるかが明らかになっています。 カクイチ研究所では、アーシング技術を駆使した研究を通じて、睡眠の改善に役立つよう努力しており、睡眠と健康の向上にさらに役立つ新しい技術をテスト中です。


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睡眠不足によって引き起こされる問題を解決するために、我々は最初にそれらを理解しなければなりません。 カリフォルニア大学バークレー校の神経科学および心理学の教授である睡眠科学者のマシュー・ウォーカー博士によるこちらビデオをご覧ください。 ウォーカー博士は、睡眠の重要性、および睡眠不足の結果について詳しく説明しています。 またウォーカー博士は、精神的な健康状態の悪化と睡眠不足の間の相関関係を強調しており、あらゆる精神疾患は睡眠不足と同時に起こることを示しています。



Sleep aids studies

  • The effect of vitamin D supplement on the score and quality of sleep in 20-50 year-old people with sleep disorders compared with control group, イランのアフヴァーズ大学 (2017年5月)

    This study shows that the use of vitamin D supplement improves sleep quality, reduces sleep latency, raises sleep duration and improves subjective sleep quality in people of 20-50 year-old with sleep disorder.

  • Evaluating the Safety and Effectiveness of the Weighted Blanket With Adults During an Inpatient Mental Health Hospitalization, アメリカン・インターナショナル・カレッジ (2015年7月)

    60% had a significant reduction in anxiety using the weighted blanket.

  • Positive effects of a weighted blanket on insomnia, フランス国立科学研究センター (2015年5月)

    Insomnia is a common occurrence and can have a negative impact on physiological, psychological and social well-being. There is a need for simple, effective solutions to increase sleep quality.

    Objectively, we found that sleep bout time increased, as well as a decrease in movements of the participants, during weighted blanket use. Subjectively, the participants liked sleeping with the blanket, found it easier to settle down to sleep and had an improved sleep, where they felt more refreshed in the morning. Overall, we found that when the participants used the weighted blanket, they had a calmer night's sleep. A weighted blanket may aid in reducing insomnia through altered tactile inputs, thus may provide an innovative, non-pharmacological approach and complementary tool to improve sleep quality.

Sleep detriment studies


  • REM sleep selectively prunes and maintains new synapses in development and learning, 北京大学 (2016年9月)

    REM sleep has multifaceted functions in brain development, learning and memory consolidation by selectively eliminating and maintaining newly formed synapses.

  • Sleep Drives Metabolite Clearance from the Adult Brain, ロチェスター大学 (2016年9月)

    Metabolic waste products of neural activity were cleared out of the sleeping brain at a faster rate than during the awake state... The restorative function of sleep may be a consequence of the enhanced removal of potentially neurotoxic waste products that accumulate in the awake central nervous system.

  • Manipulating circadian clock neuron firing rate resets molecular circadian rhythms and behavior, ヴァンダービルト大学 (2014年11月)

    People who had most of their daily exposure to even moderately bright light in the morning had a significantly lower body mass index (BMI) than those who had most of their light exposure later in the day.

  • Timing and Intensity of Light Correlate with Body Weight in Adults, ノースウェスタン大学 (2014年4月)

    People who had most of their daily exposure to even moderately bright light in the morning had a significantly lower body mass index (BMI) than those who had most of their light exposure later in the day.

  • Happy as a Lark: Morning-Type Younger and Older Adults Are Higher in Positive Affect, トロント大学 (2012年6月)

    Our results demonstrate that morningness is associated with higher positive affect among both younger and older adults. Morningness was also associated with better subjective health.

  • Human relational memory requires time and sleep, コロンビア大学 (2007年5月)

    Relational memory, the flexible ability to generalize across existing stores of information, is a fundamental property of human cognition. Little is known, however, about how and when this inferential knowledge emerges.

    These findings demonstrate that human relational memory develops during offline time delays. Furthermore, sleep appears to preferentially facilitate this process by enhancing hierarchical memory binding, thereby allowing superior performance for the more distant inferential judgments, a benefit that may operate below the level of conscious awareness.


カクイチ研究所では、個人と社会の健康を増進することを目指してきました。 私たちは、睡眠時間の長さと質を改善すること以外、より良い方法はないと信じています。 そのため、睡眠を改善する可能性がある新しいツールを試しています。 我々の実験のこれまでの結果は非常に有望です。


カクイチ研究所は現在、睡眠中にサイマティク周波数を再生するスピーカーを組み込んだ新しいユニークなベッドデザインを通して、ヒトへの適用における細胞療法を実験しています。 この治療法の結果についての我々の研究は進行中であり、そして我々はまもなくこの研究を発表することを計画しています。



